Memahami Piutang dalam Bahasa Inggris: Panduan Lengkap

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Piutang dalam bahasa inggris

Pernahkah Anda mendengar istilah “accounts receivable” atau “accounts payable” dan bertanya-tanya apa artinya? Istilah-istilah ini merupakan bagian penting dari dunia bisnis, khususnya dalam manajemen keuangan. “Piutang dalam bahasa Inggris” merujuk pada sejumlah uang yang harus dibayarkan kepada Anda oleh pelanggan atau pihak lain atas barang atau jasa yang telah Anda berikan.

Dari definisi dasar hingga strategi pengelolaan yang efektif, artikel ini akan memandu Anda dalam memahami berbagai aspek penting terkait piutang dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda akan mempelajari berbagai jenis piutang, pentingnya manajemen piutang yang baik, serta tantangan dan solusi yang mungkin Anda hadapi. Siap untuk menyelami dunia piutang?

Definisi Piutang

Receivable accounts accounting calculate

Piutang adalah hak untuk menagih pembayaran dari pihak lain atas barang atau jasa yang telah diberikan. Dalam bahasa Inggris, piutang disebut “accounts receivable”.

Berikut contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang menunjukkan penggunaan kata “accounts receivable”:

The company’s accounts receivable increased by 10% last quarter.

Perbedaan Antara “Accounts Receivable” dan “Accounts Payable”

“Accounts receivable” dan “accounts payable” merupakan dua istilah yang sering digunakan dalam akuntansi. Perbedaan utama antara keduanya adalah:

  • Accounts receivable adalah uang yang akan diterima perusahaan dari pelanggan atas barang atau jasa yang telah diberikan. Ini adalah aset bagi perusahaan.
  • Accounts payable adalah uang yang harus dibayar perusahaan kepada pemasok atas barang atau jasa yang telah diterima. Ini adalah kewajiban bagi perusahaan.
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Types of Accounts Receivable

Piutang dalam bahasa inggris

Accounts receivable, also known as trade receivables, are the money owed to a company by its customers for goods or services that have been delivered or used but not yet paid for. Accounts receivable is an important asset for businesses because it represents a potential source of cash flow. Understanding the different types of accounts receivable is essential for managing cash flow and assessing the creditworthiness of customers.

Types of Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable can be classified into various types based on their nature and origin. Here are some of the common types of accounts receivable:

  • Trade Receivables: These are the most common type of accounts receivable. They arise from the regular sale of goods or services to customers on credit. For example, a clothing store that sells clothes to customers on credit would have trade receivables.
  • Non-Trade Receivables: These receivables arise from sources other than the regular sale of goods or services. Examples include advances to employees, loans to other companies, and deposits from customers for future services. For instance, a company that lends money to a subsidiary company would have a non-trade receivable.
  • Notes Receivable: These are written promises to pay a specific amount of money on a specific date. They are usually issued by customers who are unable to pay for goods or services on the spot. A company that sells equipment to a customer on a payment plan might have a note receivable from that customer.
  • Interest Receivable: This type of receivable arises when a company earns interest on loans or investments. For example, a bank that lends money to customers would have interest receivable from those customers.
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Table of Accounts Receivable Types

Type Definition Example
Trade Receivables Money owed by customers for goods or services sold on credit. A retail store sells clothes to customers on credit.
Non-Trade Receivables Receivables arising from sources other than regular sales. A company lends money to a subsidiary company.
Notes Receivable Written promises to pay a specific amount on a specific date. A company sells equipment to a customer on a payment plan.
Interest Receivable Interest earned on loans or investments. A bank lends money to customers.

Examples of Using Accounts Receivable, Piutang dalam bahasa inggris

Here are some examples of how different types of accounts receivable are used in business:

  • Trade Receivables: A clothing store sells $100 worth of clothes to a customer on credit. The store has a trade receivable of $100.
  • Non-Trade Receivables: A company lends $50,000 to its subsidiary company. The company has a non-trade receivable of $50,000.
  • Notes Receivable: A company sells a piece of equipment to a customer for $10,000, with the customer agreeing to pay in monthly installments over the next year. The company has a note receivable of $10,000.
  • Interest Receivable: A bank lends $100,000 to a customer at an annual interest rate of 5%. The bank has interest receivable of $5,000 per year.
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Simpulan Akhir: Piutang Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Piutang dalam bahasa inggris

Memahami piutang dalam bahasa Inggris adalah langkah penting untuk sukses dalam dunia bisnis. Dengan pengetahuan yang tepat, Anda dapat mengelola piutang dengan efisien, meminimalkan risiko, dan meningkatkan profitabilitas. Mulailah dengan mendefinisikan istilah-istilah kunci, mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis piutang, dan menerapkan strategi pengelolaan yang efektif. Ingat, piutang adalah aset penting yang harus dijaga dengan baik untuk keberhasilan bisnis Anda.

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